Журнал Simply Handmade: Holidays 2012
В середині цього випуску ви знайдете роботи на такі теми:
Декор на день подяки;
Різдвяна переписка;
Різдвяний декор;
Ялинкові прикраси;
Саморобні подарунки;
Різдвяні листівки, що легко масово виготовляти.
The act of simply showing that you care can make a tremendous impact, especially during this time of the year. You can always provide a positive sentiment for someone, and that’s what Simply Handmade Holidays is truly all about. We’ve brought you a beautiful book full of Thanksgiving décor, garlands, winter holiday décor, ornaments, and handmade gifts. We’ll show you how to transform those generic supplies from the craft store into gorgeous gift embellishments for that person you love. So, regardless of whether you feed one person (or more!) an actual meal, or if you feed them love and sunshine with something handmade from the heart, just do something. Get into the holiday spirit and make something!
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